History of the company

The company "Opto-Technological Laboratory" LLC ("Opto-TL" LLC) was founded in 2002.

By 2002, the market of the optical components of medium complexity had already been filled with companies that were established in the 90s, and the best specialists in Saint Petersburg worked in those companies. Therefore, our new company had only extremely complex orders for unconventional components, which were rejected by other manufacturers.

There was only one way to succeed in this situation - to develop new, more productive technologies on our own and to “bring up” professionals.

This approach to production - constant improvement of production technologies and personnel training - has fully justified itself. This is how our company continues to develop.

  • 2017-2020

    Staff: 70 people, including: Top managers - 2, Middle managers (heads of departments) - 5, Engineers (technology, optical design, mechanical design) - 10, Opticians (blank makers, grinders, polishers) - 20, Coating operators - 3, Mechanics - 5, Assemblers of optical and mechanical products - 7, Quality controllers - 6, Accounting and contract department - 7;

    Equipment:Regular modernization of the existing equipment, Purchase of new equipment for the mechanical department (CNC machines), Purchase of a facility for climatic testing of lenses;

    Own developments: Improvement of methods for quality control of optical coatings; Design of lenses of increased complexity, including varifocal lenses; Improvement of lens alignment and quality control methods;

    Products: Lenses of increased complexity. New interferometer models. Own developments in the field of lens engineering.

    2020 Marketing research on the market for IR lenses for thermal imaging.

    Dec 2019 Obtaining the Certificate of Type Approval of Measuring Instruments for the Device for Measuring the Modulation Transfer Coefficient (optical bench OS-2000VD).

    Oct 2018 Renewal of the GOST R ISO 9001-2015 Quality Management Certificate for the design, production and maintenance of glass and crystal products, optical systems (including lenses), optical instrumentation.

    2017-2018 Development and manufacturing of devices for testing the parameters of visible (OS-2000VD) and IR (OS-2000IK) lenses.

    2017 Lenses and interferometers are beginning to dominate the company's products.

  • 2013-2016

    Specialists:An additional set of specialists - optical design and mechanical design engineers. Creation of an engineering group for our own projects;

    Equipment: Independent modernization of the existing machine tools and vacuum units;

    Own developments: Improvement of the technology of applying optical coatings, Improvement and modernization of interferometers, Methods for manual adjustment and quality control of lenses;

    Products:High-precision optical components, including aspherical. Assembled lenses. Interferometers.

    Feb 2016 Obtaining the Certificate of Type Approval of Measuring Instruments for the OptoTL-250 Interferometer.

    2014 Obtaining the Certificate of Type Approval of Measuring Instruments for the OptoTL-60/120 interferometer.

    2013 Obtaining the Certificate of quality management GOST ISO 9001-2011, Purchase of a diamond turning machine "Nanoform 200" for the manufacture of components with aspherical surfaces.

  • 2010-2012

    Specialists: An additional set of specialists - engineers, assemblers of opto-mechanical products, optical design engineers;

    Equipment:Additional equipment: machines for manufacturing of mechanical components, machines for centering lenses in individual mounts;

    Own developments: Improvement of the technology of applying optical coatings, Improvement and modernization of interferometers, Development of assembly operations;

    Products: High precision optical components. Lenses. Interferometers.

    2010 Moving from the Optical and Mechanical Lyceum to the Mendeleevsky Business Center. Expansion of areas, improvement of the quality of infrastructure.

    2010 Start of sales of interferometers of our own production. Received the first order for TV quality lenses. Creation of the lens assembly department.

  • 2007-2009

    Specialists: An additional set of specialists - opticians, coating specialists, crystal and glass processing technology engineers, mechanics;

    Equipment: Grinding and polishing machines, vacuum coating machines, machines for processing of mechanical products;

    Own developments: Crystal polishing technologies, Interferometers for testing the accuracy of the shape of optical surfaces;

    Products: High-precision optical components made of crystals and coated glass, the required accuracy of which is verified with interferometers of our own production. Sapphire domes.

  • 2004-2006

    Specialists:Additional set of specialists - opticians, blank makers, coating specialists;

    Equipment: Grinding and polishing machines, two vacuum coating units;

    Own developments: Crystal polishing technology, IR coating technology;

    Products: High precision optical components made of coated crystals. Sapphire optical components of high precision and purity.

  • 2003-2004

    Specialists:: An additional set of specialists - opticians, blank makers;

    Equipment: Machines for blank-making operations (cutting, abrasion, grinding);

    Own developments:Crystal polishing technology, including sapphire;

    Products: Precision lenses and crystal windows.

  • 2002

    Specialists:Company management and several opticians;

    Equipment:Several polishing and finishing machines;

    Own developments: The first crystal polishing technologies;

    Products::The first orders for high-precision lenses and crystal windows are received.